Dr Gamal Elkenany دكتور جمال الكناني مالك الكناني جروب-

Dr. Gamal El-Kenany participated in the 22nd Fastmarkets Global Grain Geneva 2023, held in Switzerland from November 7 to 9. The event focused on exploring opportunities and challenges within the grain market, discussing supply methods and trading resources, and staying updated on the latest market developments alongside industry specialists.

The 22nd Fastmarkets Global Grain Geneva Conference: Exploring Dynamic Opportunities

In light of the market’s current volatility, particularly in feed, commodities, and raw materials for animal feed, as well as machinery used in crop and feed production, the grain market has shifted towards decentralization. This shift is influenced by various factors, such as extreme weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances.

Recognizing the potential opportunities and risks arising from this volatility, Dr. Gamal Elkenany chose to attend the event. It provided a valuable platform to gain insights into key industry issues, establish new partnerships, and network with industry peers. These engagements are expected to have a positive impact on the Egyptian market and drive business growth forward.


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